Category: Journeys

Mount Fuji from Chureito Pagoda

2019, KWA in Japan

Ever since I, as a little boy, heard the worldwide hit Sukiyaki (sung by Kyu Sakamoto) I´ve been imagined about going to Japan. And, when you´re a member of the board of KWA, your dreams could come true! So, on April 13th we left Copenhagen Airport for Tokyo and started our trip around this fantastic country. We start at the… Read more →

K W A in Tennessee 2017

After visiting Kentucky in 2014 we just couldn´t wait to go to another great whiskey state in the U S, i. e Tennessee. Therefore, when our journey on Holy Thursday started with our airplane, before taking off, crashing a seagull at Kalmar Airport forcing us to change our travelling plan it felt a little troublesome. Anyway, we reached Nashville late… Read more →

KWA went to Campbeltown and Lowland

Only two (Campbeltown and Lowland) of the Scotch whisky regions left for KWA to visit so that´s what we decided to do in Eastertime 2016. Starting off from Kalmar in the dark hours of Easter Sunday night we reached Campbeltown in the southern parts of Scotland late in the evening that same day. So; rise and shine the next morning… Read more →